Read on to get an idea about Buenos Aires dating culture in the early 2010s. For a more modern take, check out Dating Guys and Girls in Argentina, and Dating Boys and Girls in Argentina Part II.
Before we delve into this topic, it´s important to lay out the basics. Buenos Aires, the Paris of South America, is the city of love, and you need to be prepared for the men. If you have set foot outside your house into the street, into a restaurant, into a bar in Buenos Aires, just about anywhere, and you are female, you have probably been hit on. It´s no secret that males here are much more direct and forward, in stark comparison to their Norteamericano counterparts. (Here´s a nice comparison of the two pick-up styles to give you an idea and prepare you for the differences you have most likely already encountered) Gone are the nights of gazing into the eyes of a guy across the bar, praying he will come over and sweep you off your feet. Here, it can sometimes be the reverse effect.
How dating works varies by the town, city and state you live in, much less the country, in which you reside. Whereas online dating has exploded in big cities in the United States, here people still seem to want that face-to-face, body-to-body connection. So, if you´re looking to meet that special someone and not just be picked up a random guy at a bar, we have your answers.
A nice spin on classic speed dating, Spanglish is a great way to meet new people and practice your Spanish skills. Spanglish has made a name for itself over the past 3 years and holds events 6 nights a week in different parts of the city. The event pairs and groups up foreigners with native speakers for 10 minutes each – 5 in English and 5 in Spanish. After you’ve chatted, you move on to the next person or table. More flexible than classic speed dating, Spanglish attracts a variety of travelers, locals and expats and you are sure to meet some new friends. They also offer a Tuesday Beerlingual pub quiz and other fun events.
Founded by two expat friends, MixMatch. MixMatch offers the classic speed dating format (aka what you’ve seen in the movies): Five minutes per person to chat and then a bell rings, and the men rotate tables. I checked out MixMatch at Ginger Restaurant in Palermo, and despite its newness on the scene, the event attracted a nice balance of expats and native Porteños. Although exhausted after 10 rapid fire almost-identical conversations, I got a free drink and met some interesting folks. At the end, if you dig someone you met, you mark their name on your sheet. If both people say “YES”, emails are distributed.
8 Minutes to Fall in Love
Another speed dating option, “Ocho Minutos para Enamorate,” is aimed at Spanish speakers, so if you´re proficient, this might be a good option. Also the classic model, events are 8 dates of 8 minutes each. With events most nights of the week at 7:30 and 10 p.m., once you create, profile and provide your availability, they give you a time and place. The testimonials on the site range from people in their 20s up to their 50s, and nightly events are tailored to certain age brackets, making it a good option for those of all ages.
Online Dating
This trend that has taken over big cities in the States. I was asked last year in New York City, “well if you´re not getting dates online, you´re not dating, right?” While it´s not the case in Buenos Aires (yet), there are some online dating sites that boost many members. We admit, we haven´t sampled, but we wanted to provide you will all the options. Metrodate. Metro Date seems to be the most popular option with lots of members. If you’ve done online dating in Buenos Aires, let us know what site and how it went!
If you´d rather meet the man or woman of your dreams in a more informal setting, check out ways to meet people in Buenos Aires to find good events, bars and sporting opportunities.