Whether cut off in traffic, shoved at a bar, or a fan of their rival soccer team is encountered, when Argentines gear up to argue don’t expect it to be clean. If the classic insults from part 1 aren’t cutting it and you’re looking for a more creative way to insult someone, here are the best swears to use in an argument.
Phrase | Literal Translation | Actual Translation |
Sos un cagón! | You’re a big shitter! | You chickenshit! |
Arrugastes! | You wrinkled! | You choked! |
Cerra el orto! | Close your asshole! | Shut your pie hole! |
Suck me an egg! | Chupame un huevo! | Blow me! |
Que te recontra! | That is against you | Right back at you! |
Anda cantarle a Gardel! | Go sing to Gardel | Blow it out your asshole! |
Chupate esta mandarina! | Suck this tangerine | Up yours! |
Te voy a cagar a patadas | I will shit you to kicks | I’m gonna kick your ass |
Matate gil | Kill yourself heel | Drop dead, asshole |
No te hagas el gil | Don’t become the heel | Don’t be an idiot |
¡No hagas bardo! | Don’t make a bard! | Keep the noise down! |
Que cara está la cebolla | What face is the onion | What’s with the puss face? |
¡Raja, forro! | Split, condom! | Beat it, asshole! |
For more Argentine swears we have part 3 to learn how to complain like a porteño, and part 4 to learn the most common swears you’ll hear at a fútbol match.