24 Hour Party People: Best Clubs in Buenos Aires
Where to go out in Buenos Aires, which are the best clubs and what the top parties in the city are. Updated August 2017
Where to go out in Buenos Aires, which are the best clubs and what the top parties in the city are. Updated August 2017
When it comes to pot in Buenos Aires I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news first: Buenos Aires is
Saving money in Buenos Aires can be a difficult task when faced with ever increasing inflation, political and economical instability every 10 years or so
In Argentina swearing is less taboo and a wide range of profanity can be heard on the streets, at bars, and from the mouths of sweet Argentine grandmothers. To hear the loudest and most impassioned curses and insults, head to the stadium on game day.
Every Spanish speaking country has their own unique style of cursing, and whether you’re just passing though Argentina, or planning to stay a while, you’ll need to learn the distinctly Argentine brand of profanity.
Cursing in Buenos Aires is practically an art form. In Argentina be prepared to hear some unique slang and colorful uses of the Spanish language with an Argentine twist.
Some helpful Argentine style vocabulary and slang for the more…intimate times you may encounter while in Buenos Aires.
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