Swearing Translated – Part 1, A Buenos Aires Guide to Swearing in Spanish

Argentines have an impressively rich vocabulary for swears, insults and expletives. Speaking Spanish like a Buenos Aires local requires mastering some of the most common vulgarities you’ll hear on the streets, in the bars and at the stadium. These probably won't be taught in school.

By jackgreen





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Hello, to all those venturing forth into the land beyond Oz. If you’re going to be spending some time here in Buenos Aires, you should know both how to tell if you’re being cussed out and how to do it yourself, if the situation were ever to arise. Here is part one of some easy guidelines to help you on your way to verbally expressing your pissed-off emotions or to understanding the emotions of an angry Porteño.

Phrase Literal Translation Actual Translation
Anda cagar! Go shit! Go fuck yourself!
Anda cagar forro! Go shit condom! Go fuck yourself asshole!
No seas forro! Don’t be condom! Don’t be an asshole!!
Hijo de mil puta! Son of a thousand whores! You god damn son of a bitch!
Anda a la concha de tu madre! Go to your mother’s cunt Go fuck your mother!
La puta que te parió! The whore that gave birth to you Fuck you and your mom’s a ho!
Que boludo! What a slow witted individual! What a dumb ass!
Da para coger? Give to take? How’s about fucking?
La concha de tu madre! The shell of your mother! Go fuck your mother!
Ni en pedo! Neither in fart! No friggin’ way!
Me chupa un huevo! It sucks me an egg! I could give two shits!
No me hinches las pelotas! Don’t swell up my balls Don’t bust my chops

For more common Argentine cursing, local Buenos Aires insults or just to learn how to hold your own in an argument check out part 2 and part 3.

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