Swearing Translated – Part 2, An Argentine Guide to Swearing in Spanish

Cursing in Buenos Aires is practically an art form. In Argentina be prepared to hear some unique slang and colorful uses of the Spanish language with an Argentine twist.

By jackgreen





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Whether cut off in traffic, shoved at a bar, or a fan of their rival soccer team is encountered, when Argentines gear up to argue don’t expect it to be clean. If the classic insults from part 1 aren’t cutting it and you’re looking for a more creative way to insult someone, here are the best swears to use in an argument.

Phrase Literal Translation Actual Translation
Sos un cagón! You’re a big shitter! You chickenshit!
Arrugastes! You wrinkled! You choked!
Cerra el orto! Close your asshole! Shut your pie hole!
Suck me an egg! Chupame un huevo! Blow me!
Que te recontra! That is against you Right back at you!
Anda cantarle a Gardel! Go sing to Gardel Blow it out your asshole!
Chupate esta mandarina! Suck this tangerine Up yours!
Te voy a cagar a patadas I will shit you to kicks I’m gonna kick your ass
Matate gil Kill yourself heel Drop dead, asshole
No te hagas el gil Don’t become the heel Don’t be an idiot
¡No hagas bardo! Don’t make a bard! Keep the noise down!
Que cara está la cebolla What face is the onion What’s with the puss face?
¡Raja, forro! Split, condom! Beat it, asshole!

For more Argentine swears we have part 3 to learn how to complain like a porteño, and part 4 to learn the most common swears you’ll hear at a fútbol match.

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